Subject is exactly
Tiger Peter Versluys
Face Peter Versluys
Better Times Adam Starkey #670923
40 Brain Bryant Ziegler
A Place in Realinda Bryant Ziegler
Ferocious Release Wolf
Fluid Equine Wolf
Michigan "Twins" Brian Dorsey Hill
Walking Line Thomas Wingard
A 1st Time King Raymond Johnson
Our Liberties Under Fire Samuel Moore
Lucky for Us John Jerry Jancar, Jr.
Waagosh John Jerry Jancar, Jr.
The Pack Arthur E. Harriger
Leap of Joy Arthur E. Harriger
God's Fight, Our Win Nate Gilbert
Arrested Development Lawrence Dantzler-Bey
The Jamaican King Lawrence Dantzler-Bey
Queen of Misery Nicholas Lauterwasser
Reaching for Freedom Z-Power
Full Moon (on another planet) Ras Damu Jahkido
Influenced In The Womb Ras Damu Jahkido
Take A Look At Yourself In The Mirror Browning-4-Life
Costly Desire Gunner
Sitting Duck Paul D. Mullholland
Goofy Poppy Jesse Harvath
Dark Wilderness Jesse Harvath
One Flew Over "Self Portrait" ZIP
A Sunset with My Big Brother Shawn Commire
Life's Unpredictable Jeremiah Nelson
Alaska (Juneau) Ken Swanson
Rout 66 Hiway Ken Swanson
Hidden Getaway Kyle Herzfeld
Hopeful Andre Davis
Winter Robert Hills
Michigan Wolverines Chistopher McGee
Father's Responsibility SH Hendley
Wilderness Retreat Ronald Forsyth
Baby Set Fidel Mendez
Gazeboe Tim Hull
The Hearth Rita Walker
A Bitter Taste Sean Armendarez
The Forbidden Fruits DeShane Reed
The Family Joseph Martinez
Father's Responsibility SH Hendley
Untitled Billy Weinert
Suckle Thy Lord Ronald "King Hood"
He Sees Us D. Simmons
3 Feet High and Rising Flying Spaghetti
Where I'm From Leigh, Tracy
Someday I'll Love Antonio DeLaGarza (After Ocean Vuong) DeLaGarza, Antonio
Silvery Lane Stevenson, James
My Uncle Wrestled Sharks Gaik IV, John C.