Subject is exactly
Robert Lee Hills Testimony Hills, Robert L.
Charlie Poole Gilbert Poole
Visiting Dublin Gilbert Poole
"Dottie" Left Behind R. Scott Miller
Living Water R. Scott Miller
Millenium Falcon Jason Kenny
Take A Look At Yourself In The Mirror Browning-4-Life
Goofy Poppy Jesse Harvath
Dark Wilderness Jesse Harvath
One Flew Over "Self Portrait" ZIP
A Sunset with My Big Brother Shawn Commire
Life's Unpredictable Jeremiah Nelson
Hidden Getaway Kyle Herzfeld
Father's Responsibility SH Hendley
Wilderness Retreat Ronald Forsyth
Poem with Two Graves Monson, Justin
Letters from Daddy (7) Buckley, Demetrius
Something to Say Buckley, Demetrius