Subject is exactly
three dimensional
- Freedo Freedom
Air Balloon Yvonne Cortis
Unique Miracle Neta Sohn
Clear Clutches Kimberly Pappas
U of M M LaShay Hursey
Freedom... When? PEACHES
Bridge 3D Samantha Bachynski
Lighthouse (Penny Bank) Robert Day
Family Dream Catcher NeNe
Chucky vs Harry Potter (Vote) (Popularity) Sho-Nuff
Purple Bagger Motorcycle David Stevens
Smiley Pillow Danny Waller
Book Bag Bunny (Blue Jacket) Charles Burgess
Alien of the Sea Danny Moore
Goblin "Americana" Danny Moore
He Has Risen Walt
Viking Brothers Nubbs
Blue Windmill & Red Windmill Nubbs
Condemned M.J. Van Meter
For Peaceful Reflection RICKYPRESTON382202
Guitar Design - Light of the World - Jesus Christ or Immanuel Brentwood
In the Moment D. Sanders EL
Elephant Love A. Jackson El
Kris-Craft Model Radu Muntean
Canopy Dennis Winzloff